Thursday, June 14, 2012

Month 6: Web Interface and Usability

Hey there everyone. I apologize for not keeping up with my posts as often as I should. This class has been extremely demanding. Some of the experiences I've had are hard. For those of you who are considering going to Full Sail, you would have Web Interface and Usability paired with another class, Networking and Server Structures. About two weeks ago, when we had our midterm, we were assigned a project for Web Interface and Usability (on Tuesday) and also were given a reading assignment (one hundred pages!). On top of that, Wednesday, there was a study group for two hours, you were expected to study for the test, and other people who had NSS still had to attend class on Wednesday for a full eight hours.

I ended up getting all my work done, though. I'll post it up on here as soon as I can. Another project that we will be doing next Tuesday will include a click-through wireframe, so you can see for yourself what this class has ultimately taught me. I'm going to wrap up this post, because class will be starting soon, however I'll go ahead and throw up that poll for you guys.

Thanks for reading! :)


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