Thursday, May 23, 2013

Month 12: Web Standards Project

Okay, so a lot has been going on, and for the past couple of months, I know it seems like I fell off the Earth. I've had a few personal real-life issues come up, and I had to withdraw from Full Sail for a little while in order to get that under control. Once I came back to Full Sail, the courses started to ramp up in difficulty, and I've been trying to catch up with that.

Anyhow, before I withdrew from Full Sail, the last class I had was Web Standards Project (WSP). In this month, you'll basically develop the wireframes, color schemes, and layout for a fully function HTML and CSS website redesign. For me, I wanted to create a potential website that I could use to promote myself. After discussing it with my teacher, I was permitted to do a new layout for my website. Please keep in mind, this isn't a final product. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done, in terms of functionality, but this would be the bare bones of the visuals.

During the course of the month, we had to create a video that documented our progress. Since it would be a good reference to see the direction I was going in, you can view the video below:

Once we were finished with the majority of our website, we were required to do some user testing. This was a lot of fun. I posted links on the school's portal, and sent the link to my family and coworkers. The feedback was submitted, a few more changes made, and I ended up with my final product for the site. You can view it here, along with other deliverables for the class:

Other than that, this class is pretty much one big project. While you're required to have certain things finished by certain times (to help keep you on track), you are constantly reiterating and revising your project until the final day, when it's due.


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